Monday, August 24, 2009

Hello new life! I am gonna be starting as Freshman student in college tomorrow. Now I can really call myself a college student. =)

This time I am really gonna push myself to become an excellent student considering my honors status in the university. This is my chance to prove myself worthy of going on to medical school. Everything is new now... new hair color (mahogany brown!)... new clothes and shoes... new stuff... new LIFE!

K. I am going to sleep now so I could workout in the morning and a have fresh start for the day. Hello professors! I hope I make good lasting impression on them. SMILE! =)


Friday, August 7, 2009

It deems to be complicated why on my recent post I stated how I should be content with the life that I have right now. I should have considered that my life, of course, does not only revolve around me, but also around the people I love. Right at this very moment I could say that I am very upset at the circumstances that my relatives in the Philippines are in now. My aunt and my mom just finished talking over Skype and I was there to hear and see my aunt cry her heart out to my mother asking for help. She needs all the help that she could get from us, financially and spiritually. I am mad and really confused at why my uncle wont help my aunt out. Why when she asked for help he immediately turned her down. How could he? He did not do it in a polite or nice way either. I am furious at how people could be so selfish over money. Yes, we do need money and these days, the world revolves WITH money. I could not help but cry at my aunt's pitiful situation and how I cannot help her right now. I will have money soon and I swore to help her because when we were the ones in need and she had the money, she really helped us. She never left my mother hopeless like what my uncle is doing to my aunt. From all 4 siblings, my uncle is the most frugal one and we understand why. But now that my aunt is in most need, how could he not help her? His reasons are very shallow and selfish. I really cannot understand. He claims to be very religious and every Saturday their is a prayer meeting at his house with food for all the guests. With that being considered, why can't he use some of his money to help my aunt with the smallest amount he could give? Every single penny counts now. I wish he could remember one of the stories from the bible that I learned in grammar school: the story of Lazarus. Lazarus said that no matter how rich you are, you can never bring your money with you to the next life and so there is no use keeping them to yourself. As much as you can, do everything to help. I hope he remembers this one day. My eyes hurt from crying. I have not cried as much for a long time but I could not help it. If I had all the money I need, I will help my aunt at the speed of light with no questions asked.

I pray that he wakes from his selfishness. Moreover, I pray that my aunt overcomes this huge challenge. I know she can.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I have recently read about the book/autobiography by Randy Pausch and somehow, reading it over again breaks my heart into million pieces. For some reason, I am only in my few pages but I kept on stopping and stopping until I just completely stopped and put the book down. It is so gut wrenching that I started to think about how hard life was for him and his family. Thus, before that, I asked myself how he managed to give this last lecture. There are so many reasons why I should be thankful with the life that I have right now, but I still complain. I always say that I wish this would happen, or that I hope I could have done that. Why can't I be just contented with what I have and be happy that I am not sick with only some months to live like him. Technically, this guy has a lot to complain for. He has a wife, 3 very young children, and dreams that cannot be fulfilled anymore. He has already passed away even before I started reading his autobiography, yet, I want to tell him that what he wrote and his courage has given so much inspiration to live my life to the fullest. Truthfully, there is only really one life to live. There are so many things that I want to do and really want to say while I am alive and healthy, but honestly, the first thing I would do is to let all of my loved ones know how much I care for them and how thankful I am that they let me become a part of their life.

"Too many people go through life complaining about their problems. I've always believed that if you took one-tenth the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you'd be surprised by how well things can work out." -Randy Pausch

Even if my heart breaks while reading this, I have to continue. There is exactly 20 days left before school starts. I am excited, yet very scared. In contrast, I am still looking forward to it specially because of my new buddy: Nienke. She is gonna be my buddy for the rest of out college career.
