I finally had time to go around touristy places here in Barcelona this week and last week. The
first place I went to was La Boqueria. It was really crowded and overwhelming to the point that as soon as I went inside I wanted to go out right away. I manage to stay for about 15 minutes though. I took pictures of fruits, candies, and other things that were displayed. I got myself a fruit shake made with strawberry and coconut. It was so good! How I wish there was tapioca on the bottom of the cup so I could imagine myself drinking bubble tea. Haha! But it's okay cause as soon as I get home that will be the one of first things I am going to get. I miss eating Asian food! Agh! Anyway, after La Boqueria I went to Parc Güell with my friends Mercedes and Chandler. It was a scorching hot day and for every step a drop of sweat trickled down my back and my neck. I was bathing in my own sweat! I know it's kind of gross but getting to Parc Güell was such a workout! The way there was high and steep. Once we got to the top the breeze wasn't too strong but it was all worth it. The view from above, hearing Bramalam dude sing Pretty Woman, and taking beautiful pictures all made up for the trek on the way. We went to the lower part of the park to see the tiled buildings. I don't know but to me it's like seeing a modern middle earth although not really. Whatever... you be the judge. I have my own view of Parc Güell looks like and it will remain looking like middle earth meets modernist infrastructures. The place was jam-packed with sweating people and I couldn't take it so I asked if we could leave. We found a place to eat and rest for a while. After that we just all headed home to rest more and then watch a movie online. A whole week passed before I set on another adventure. The next one I went to was the Pride Parade here in Barcelona.
I missed the Pride Parade in Chicago but I had a chance to go to the one here in Barcelona. I must say that it's got nothing on the Pride Parade in Chicago. It's more lively in Chicago than here. I mean there were booths, parade, concerts, and dressed up divas everywhere but something was missing. I didn't see many people wearing Mardi Gras beads. Anyhow, Mercedes and I had fun taking pictures of people and the surroundings. I got 2 Pride bracelets and a shirt. We stayed for a little bit but decided we were exhausted so we left but saw a cotton candy stand. I had to get cotton candy! So we did and Mercedes had some of it but I finished the whole thing. Haha! I'll post pictures of the enormous cotton candy later. The following weekend after the parade I decide I don't have much time here in Barcelona so I will try to do more touristy things. It's time to see the mecca of all fútbol club stadiums: L'Estadi del Barça.
The house of the fútbol gods, at last! Ahhh! Today was such a dream come true for me! I went to the FC Barcelona stadium! But funny things first: a hot security guard hit on me. Haha! I was in line for the FCB museum when the security guard stopped me. He said, "eh, perdona, ¿de donde eres tu?" It was funny because I just responded with, "Pues, adivinas" So he said, "Eres de Filipinas. ¿Si?" I nodded and he told me he's a machine when it comes to guessing. LOL. What a funny man. So he continued on talking and told me he knew I was Filipina because I have a beautiful dark curly hair, gorgeous eyes, and pretty face. Awwwwww!!! I never really saw myself that way but it felt great to be appreciated instead of getting hollered and whistled at on the street. He said Filipina women are beautiful. So, my fellow Filipina women STAND UP! He finally let me in and was still smiling till I entered the door. Darn I should have given him my number! Just kidding mom! I didn't do anything but he was a damn good looking security guard! One of the many good looking security guards and cops here in Barcelona. Haha! Anyway, my friends Eda and Erika were already upstairs at the entrance to the museum waiting for me. I met with them and started our little museum trip before proceeding to the stadium. Going inside the museum we saw a booth for handheld guide. We approached the guy at the booth and asked if it's free and he said yes. I asked mine in Spanish and my 2 friends asked for English. He wondered why I asked for Spanish so I told him I know how to speak it fluently. LOL. Hahaha! So funny.. We walked around and saw so many trophies. Well, no wonder! FCB has won so many different leagues. They recently won the Champion's League vs ManU last month. We went outside to the stadium and took a picture with the "Més que un club" background. It was hard trying to get the right angle because every other person there wants to take the same pictures. We stayed for a while and left to find a local place to eat. We were gonna go to Montjuic after but it was too hot that we just all went home. Anyway, it was still fun going out today. Tonight we planned to go to Razzmatazz, which is one of the best clubs here in Barcelona but it costs 13 euros to get in. Ah another day. My stomach is hurting too! This stupid gastritis wont leave me alone. Oh, well... Here are the pictures from my recent walk arounds:
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